Admission to Graduation Project

San José State has established campus-specific goals designed to contribute to the greater success of the CSU Graduation Initiative 2025. The Admission to Graduation Project (A to G Project) was formed in the Fall of 2014 to identify and implement enhancements to technical and business processes that would facilitate graduation for our students and contribute to meeting 菠菜网lol正规平台's goals. The project is a partnership among Administration & Finance, Information Technology, Academic Affairs and Student Affairs led by Enrollment Services with representation from across campus.

菠菜网lol正规平台 Graduation Initiative goals for 2025 include:

  • Increase our four year FTF graduation rate from 9% to 35% (entering class of 2021)
  • Increase our six year FTF graduation rate from 49% to 71% (entering class of 2019)
  • Increase our two year UDT graduation rate from 19% to 36% (entering class of 2023)
  • 将四年制UDT毕业率从67%提高到80%(2021年入学)
  • Eliminate the URM equity gap from 12% to 0%
  • Eliminate the Pell/non Pell equity gap from 10% to 0% 

 Progress to GI 2025 goals

Project Initiatives: Roadmaps

Phase Nine: Roadmap

  • 2023年春季- 2023年秋季:利用拨款资金调查行政障碍 related to communication about enrollment and payment deadlines to current students (In Progress)
  • 2023年春季- 2023年夏季:利用资助资金鼓励URM/佩尔符合条件的学生 to enroll in summer courses to stay on track to complete 30 units per year
  • 2023年春季- 2025年春季:确定并实施CRM平台以支持注册 目标-多阶段项目,最终为注册提供完全集成的CRM解决方案 Management
  • Spring 2021 - Spring 2023:利用增强的MyScheduler功能,包括增强的 course search functionality, in-application course registration functionality, and course enrollment optimization pilot project. (In Progress)
  • 2020年秋季- 2023年秋季:与大学合作,确定并实施成功标志 in Spartan Connect platform (Complete - training in progress)
  • Spring 2021 - Fall 2022: Review the cycle of communication related to registration from a holistic perspective including PeopleSoft, CollegeScheduler, Mobile App (In Progress)
  • 2022年秋季- 2024年春季:调查学术规划工具,以实现目标 a new, enhanced platform by AY 2023-24 (On Hold)
    2020年秋季- 2022年春季:创建报告工具来分析转移的有效性 credit evaluation (TCE) process improvement (On Hold)
  • 2020年秋季至2024年春季:深入研究2025年全球发展目标,因为它涉及到要确定的公平差距 and implement strategies to reach 0% goals (On Hold)
  • 2021年春季- 2022年春季:开发与GI2025相关的数据分析工具,以推动我们的 decision making process (e.g. to look at students from the perspective of a particular entering term and type) (On Hold)

Phase Eight: Roadmap

  • 2022年秋季- 2024年春季:调查学术规划工具,以实现目标 a new, enhanced platform by AY 2023-24
  • 2021年春季- 2021年秋季:创建报告捕获符合入学条件的学生; but have not done so to enhance re-enrollment campaign efforts (completed)
  • 2022年春季- 2022年秋季:创建报告以捕获每年的毕业申请 and conferral (Completed)
  • Spring 2022: Implement and leverage increased enrollment campaign functionality in Spartan Connect (Completed)
  • 2020年秋季- 2022年春季:创建报告工具来分析转移的有效性 credit evaluation (TCE) process improvement.
  • 2021年春季- 2022年春季:开发与GI2025相关的数据分析工具,以推动我们的 decision making process (e.g. to look at students from the perspective of a particular entering term and type) (In Progress)
  • 2020年秋季至2022年春季:深入研究2025年全球发展目标,因为它涉及到要确定的公平差距 and implement strategies to reach 0% goals (In Progress)
  • 2021年春季- 2022年秋季:利用增强的MyScheduler功能,包括增强的 course search functionality, in-application course registration functionality, and course enrollment optimization pilot project. (In Progress)
  • 秋季2020 -秋季2022:与高校合作,以确定和实施成功的标志 in Spartan Connect platform (In Progress)
  • Summer 2020 - Spring 2022: Expand use of MyProgress functionality to replace major form in the graduation evaluation process for all colleges. (Complete)
  • Spring 2021 - Fall 2022: Review the cycle of communication related to registration from a holistic perspective including PeopleSoft, CollegeScheduler, Mobile App (In Progress)

Phase Seven: Roadmap

  • 2020年秋季- 2021年春季:创建报告工具来分析转移的有效性 credit evaluation (TCE) process improvement.
  • 2020年秋季:实施改进版本的流程,以识别和建议学生 Associate Degrees for Transfer. (Completed)
  • 2021年春季:开发与GI2025相关的数据分析工具,以推动我们的决策 process (e.g. to look at students from the perspective of a particular entering term and type) (In Progress)
  • 2020年秋季至2021年春季:深入研究2025年全球发展目标,因为它涉及到要确定的公平差距 and implement strategies to reach 0% goals (In Progress)
  • Spring 2021: Leverage enhanced MyScheduler functionality including enhanced course search functionality, in-application course registration functionality, and course enrollment optimization pilot project. (In Progress)
  • 2020年秋季- 2021年春季:与大学合作,确定并实施成功标志 in Spartan Connect platform (In Progress)
  • Summer 2020 - Spring 2021: Expand use of MyProgress functionality to replace major form in the graduation evaluation process for all colleges. (In Progress) 
  • 2020年秋季:实施虚拟排队,在校园关闭期间提供服务. (Completed)
  • 2020年秋季:实施聊天机器人作为试点项目,为学生提供服务 non-business hours and when they prefer to ask a question anonymously. (Completed)
  • 2020年秋季- 2021年春季:扩展聊天机器人的实施,包括其他单位 pilot. (Completed)
  • 2020年秋季- 2021年春季:修改PeopleSoft的等待名单功能,以提高优先级 and reduce faculty and department chair workload (Completed)
  • 2021年春季- 2021年夏季:审查与注册相关的沟通周期 from a holistic perspective including PeopleSoft, CollegeScheduler, Mobile App

Phase Six: Roadmap

  • 2019年秋季至2020年春季:将菠菜网lol正规平台目录和课程时间表移至新平台 (Completed)
  • 2019年秋季- 2020年春季:实施改进版本的流程,以识别和建议 students with Associate Degrees for Transfer. (In Progress)
  • Fall 2019 - Spring 2020: Expand early warning system to identify students needing additional support to include students in all colleges (Completed)
  • Fall 2019: Develop ADT templates to be incorporated into MyProgress (Completed)
  • 2019年秋季- 2020年夏季:验证用于创建和实施预测的10年数据 analytics models in Spartan Connect to support advising initiatives (Completed)
  • 2019年秋季至2020年夏季:扩大Spartan Connect (EAB)平台的采用,包括 success centers in the colleges, career center, housing and others. (In Progress)
  • 2020年春季:实施虚拟工具,以支持迁移到主要在线校园环境 包括访问虚拟咨询,在线服务交付和通信媒体. (Completed)
  • Summer 2019 - Spring 2020: Expand use of MyProgress functionality to replace major form in graduation evaluation process. (In Progress) 
  • 秋季2019 - 2020:实施微积分前水平评估(PPA)和亚历克斯 in support of multiple measure assessment (EO1110). (Completed)
  • 创建定向自我定位测试,作为替代写作技能测试的试点 (Completed)

Phase Five: Roadmap

  • Summer 2018 - Spring 2019: Leverage MyProgress functionality to replace major form in graduation evaluation process. (PIlot Completed)
  • Summer 2018 - Spring 2019: Replace paper forms with electronic/web-based versions with a priority on student-serving process like petitions (Ongoing)
  • 2018年夏季- 2019年春季:开发预警系统,以确定学生的需求 additional support. (Completed)
  • 2018年秋季- 2019年春季:利用MyPlanner数据预测课程需求 accuracy. (In Progress)  
  • 2018年秋季至2019年春季:在myProgress和MyPlanner中规划所有本科学位 (Completed)
  • 2018年秋季- 2019年春季:对新生实施多项评估措施 根据1110号行政命令,包括课程 revisions, implementation of directed self-placement (English), implementation of 同侪教育者作为资源,增强信息传递和网站的信息,跟踪 and identification of cohorts. (Completed)

Phase Four: Roadmap

  • Spring - Fall 2018: Implement OnBase Financial Aid Verification functionality. (Completed)
  • Summer 2018 - Spring 2019: Leverage MyProgress functionality to replace major form in graduation evaluation process. (Pilot Completed)
  • 2018年夏季- 2019年春季:对在校生和学生的文件进行数字化收集 prospective. (Completed)
  • 2018年夏季- 2019年春季:开发预警系统,以确定学生的需求 additional support. (Completed)
  • 2018年秋季:自动跟踪与MyProgress相关的替换和异常 and application for graduation. (Completed)
  • 2018年秋季- 2019年春季:创建报告工具来分析TCE的有效性 process improvement.
  • 2018年秋季- 2019年春季:实施改进版本的流程,以识别和提供建议 students with Associate Degrees for Transfer. (Completed)
  • 2018年秋季- 2019年春季:利用MyPlanner数据预测课程需求 accuracy. (In Progress)

Phase Three: Roadmap

  • Spring - Fall 2017: Implement Transcript Capture (TC) functionality in our imaging system to facilitate transcript collection and analysis. (Completed)
  • 2017年春季-秋季:设计和实现MyGPS工具的视觉识别:MyScheduler; MyPlanner, MyProgress, MyRoadmap. (Completed)
  • 2017年春季-秋季:试点岗位注册要求检查(PERC)功能 在PeopleSoft中,允许学生注册正在进行的先决条件课程. (Completed)
  • 2017年秋季- 2018年春季:实现成像系统功能的下一阶段:转移 Credit Evaluation. (Completed)
  • 2018年春季:在PeopleSoft中实现顾问请求功能,用于替换; changes of major, and other processes (In Progress)
  • Spring - Summer 2018: Implement early matriculation for new undergraduate students. (Completed)

Phase Two: Roadmap

  • 2016年春夏:为新生开发和制作毕业步骤资源 students. (Completed)
  • Spring - Fall 2016: Implement automation of impaction for Freshmen applicants. (On Hold)
  • Spring - Fall 2016: Develop and implement reporting tools to analyze supplemental application, impaction and enrollment data. (Completed)
  • Spring 2016 - Fall 2017: Automate tracking of substitutions and exceptions as they relate to the degree audit (MyProgress) and application for graduation. (Moved to Phase Four)
  • 2016年夏季- 2017年春季:扩大毕业申请自动化,包括 additional colleges and our graduate programs. (Completed)
  • Fall 2016 - Fall 2017: Implement Smart Planner (MyPlanner) functionality. (Completed)

Phase One: Roadmap

  • Fall 2014 to current: Transfer Credit Rules evaluation, creation and correction in PeopleSoft.
  • Spring 2015: Spartan Scheduler rolled out to enrolled students. Spartan Scheduler 允许学生根据其他事情来安排课程,比如工作、运动、 and family commitments. (Completed)
  • Late Fall 2015: Implement automation of CSU Eligibility for Transfer applicants. (Completed)
  • Fall 2015 - Winter 2016: Implement Supplemental Application for Fall 2016 transfer applicants and beyond. The supplemental application facilitates corrections to information entered on the CalStateApply application and allows students applying to impacted majors with supplemental coursework criteria to report additional coursework. (Completed)
  • Fall 2015 - Winter 2016: In partnership with the College of Business, launch pilot project to automate the undergraduate application for graduation. (Completed)
  • Winter 2016: Implement impaction automation for transfer applicants. (Completed)