Radio-Television-Film Minor

University Graduation Requirements

To be awarded a minor, at least 12 units of coursework must be completely distinct and separate from the coursework in the major, and coursework for the minor must include a minimum of 6 upper-division units (University Policy S16-4). Minor preparation or support courses do not count toward the 12 distinct units. Of the coursework for the minor, at least 6 units must be completed in residence at 菠菜网lol正规平台. The minimum aggregate GPA for all coursework required for the minor must be at least 2.0.

Minor Requirements (18 units)

Core Courses (12 units) - Required

  • RTVF 20: Introduction to Audio for Film & Television (3 units)
  • RTVF 30: Introduction to Film & Television Production (3 units)
  • RTVF 80: Introduction to Media (3 units)
  • RTVF 82: Introduction to Film History (3 units)

Upper-Division Electives (6 units)

With the approval of your minor advisor, select any two upper-division RTVF courses listed below. 

  • RTVF 110: Media & Culture (3 units) (S)
  • RTVF 111: Alternative Cinema (3 units) (V)
  • RTVF 120: Intermediate Audio for Film & Television (3 units)
  • RTVF 121: KSJS-FM Radio Activity (3 units)
  • RTVF 122: KSJS Station Operation & Mgmt (3 units)
  • RTVF 126: Advanced Sound Production (3 units)
  • RTVF 130: Intermedia Film & Television Production (3 units)
  • RTVF 131A: Post Production: Color Correction (3 units)
  • RTVF 131B: Post Production Editing & Delivery (3 units)
  • RTVF 132A: Introduction to Cinematography (3 units)
  • RTVF 132B: Advanced Cinematography (3 units)
  • RTVF 133: Film and Television Production Management (3 units)
  • RTVF 135: RTVF Production: Special Projects (3 units)
  • RTVF 136: Advanced Film & Television Production (3 units)
  • RTVF 160: Introduction to Screenwriting (3 units)
  • RTVF 161: Advanced Screenwriting (3 units)
  • RTVF 181: Modern Film History (3 units)
  • RTVF 183: Critical Studies & Research in RTVF (3 units)
  • RTVF 185: Special Topics in RTVF (3 units)
  • RTVF 198: RTVF Internships, Portfolio, Career Prep (3 units)
  • TA 100W: Writing Workshop: Theatre Arts (3 units) (Z)