
Please use these guidelines when obtaining your disability documentation. 一般来说, the more specific your documentation, the better AEC will be able to support request 住宿. 

A qualified/licensed treating professional may choose to provide AEC with a letter. Letters must be submitted on office letterhead from treating professional’s office 和 must include a wet signature/DocuSign. Documentation must be from a qualified/licensed 专业(e.g., physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, mental health counselor, 等.), who is unrelated to the student, 和 whose credentials permit the evaluation 残疾的问题. Alternately, the professional may complete an AEC验证表格.    

In the event you are not able to obtain disability documentation that meets all elements stated within the guidelines, you should still submit as much as you have.


    1. Brief summary of professional’s relationship to the student, including duration of 提供照顾的时间.
    2. Date of the initial 诊断 和/or date of the most recent visit with the student 对于这个诊断.
    3. The expected duration, stability, 和/or progression 残疾的问题.
    4. Verification of disability status through:
      1. A 诊断 or identification of the nature 残疾的问题, 和; 
      2. A description of the specific functional limitations experienced as a result 残疾的问题 和 how these 限制一个或多个 主要生活活动.
    5. The impact of medication on the student's ability to meet the dem和s of the postsecondary 环境,如果相关的话.
    6. 对于经历过 突然发作或间歇性症状, describe the current severity, duration, 和 frequency. 建议建议 for 住宿 和/or services that the student may require 和 describe how the student’s disability necessitates the need for the specific requested accommodation.